Hello! I'm Mingyang Deng, a first-year PhD student at MIT, where I'm fortunate to be advised by Prof. Kaiming He. My research focuses on machine learning.
I earned my undergraduate degree from MIT, double majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. During my studies, I had the invaluable opportunity to collaborate with Prof. Tommi Jaakkola. His mentorship was pivotal in igniting my passion for machine learning research, and I am deeply grateful for his guidance, which has shaped my current path in the field. Additionally, I had the privilege of exploring fine-grained complexity under the guidance of Prof. Virginia Vassilevska Williams and delving into combinatorics with Prof. Yufei Zhao.
Prior to my PhD, I gained valuable industry experience through internships at Google DeepMind, Citadel Securities, and Pika.
You can contact me at dengm at mit dot edu and view my resume here.

Selected Awards
- 1st place @ 45th Annual ICPC World Finals
- Putnam Fellow @ 83rd William Lowell Putnam Competition
- Gold medal (1st place) @ 33rd International Olympiad in Informatics
- Gold medal @ 60th International Mathematical Olympiad
- 2nd place @ HackMIT 2021
- 4th place @ Google Code Jam Final 2021
Tianhong Li, Yonglong Tian, He Li, Mingyang Deng, Kaiming He | NeurIPS 2024 (Spotlight).
Yilun Xu*, Mingyang Deng*, Xiang Cheng*, Yonglong Tian, Ziming Liu, Tommi Jaakkola | NeurIPS 2023.
Mingyang Deng*, Lucas Tao*, Joe Benton | NeurIPS 2023 SoLAR workshop (Spotlight).
Mingyang Deng*, Jonathan Tidor*, Yufei Zhao* | Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
Mingyang Deng*, Xiao Mao*, Ziqian Zhong* | SODA 2023.
Mingyang Deng*, Ce Jin*, Xiao Mao* | SODA 2023.
Mingyang Deng*, Yael Kirkpatrick*, Victor Rong*, Virginia Vassilevska Williams*, Ziqian Zhong* | ICALP 2022.
Mingyang Deng*, Virginia Vassilevska Williams*, Ziqian Zhong* | MFCS 2022.
I have lots of random thoughts, so I implemented many projects.
A great chess game, as the name suggests.
A social media platform that limits users to reading at most one article per day, thus encouraging them to seek out new content.
MIT has an annual ring delivery where students order gold, silver, or copper rings, but it's not very MIT-like. So we designed group delivery.
A methodology to solve Hamiltonian paths in random graphs very quickly.