Mingyang Deng

I'm Mingyang Deng. I'm an undergraduate majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science at MIT. My current focus is on machine learning, particularly understanding and advancing the intelligence of generative foundation models, including diffusion models and large language models

I have previous research experience in fine-grained complexity and combinatorics, which has enabled me to quickly learn and apply new knowledge across various fields. Additionally, I possess a solid foundation in mathematics and strong coding skills.

You can contact me at dengm at mit dot edu and view my resume here.

Mingyang Deng

Selected Awards

  • 1st place @ 45th Annual ICPC World Finals
  • Putnam Fellow @ 83rd William Lowell Putnam Competition
  • Gold medal (1st place) @ 33rd International Olympiad in Informatics
  • Gold medal @ 60th International Mathematical Olympiad
  • 2nd place @ HackMIT 2021
  • 4th place @ Google Code Jam Final 2021



I have lots of random thoughts, so I implemented many projects.

  • A great chess game, as the name suggests.
  • A social media platform that limits users to reading at most one article per day, thus encouraging them to seek out new content.
  • MIT has an annual ring delivery where students order gold, silver, or copper rings, but it's not very MIT-like. So we designed group delivery.
  • A methodology to solve Hamiltonian paths in random graphs very quickly.